SPORTS MASSAGE THERAPY I am a Level 4 Sports Massage Therapist and every appointment, I bring my knowledge of sports massage, personal training and nutrtional coaching to session as i appreciation that everyone is unique.  You don't have to be into fitness or sport to benefit from a sports massage. Many of my clients don't do any sport but feel the benefit from regular sport massages. Sitting at a desk for long periods, driving, standing up on a production line, walking, delivering mail or just to help ease the stresses of daily life can all cause issues with your tissues which a sports massage can help manage.  Lets not just make something feel beter lets work to make it better. 

Lower Body, Upper Body or Upper & Lower Body Sports Massage Appointments 
Proferssionally I want to provide valuable information on sports massage and personally how the first question we would like top know is how much does it cost. 
60 minute appointment is charged at £50.00 
90 minute appoinm,ent is charged at £75.00 
Convinienet location in the center of Telford and only minutes from the M54 
Parking outside my facility  
Toilets, showers and changing  
Private sports massage room 
Personal training studio as often we need to work through technique or discuss options to progress 
All towels/blankets professionally cleaned/laundered 
For those looking for a sports massage because you feel it will have benefit or you enjoy what the massage provides both during and after the appointment, I can provide either a focused lower or upper body massage or work through both lower and upper body in the same session, half the appointmemt will be lower and half will be upper. 
Specifc reasons for the appoinment will take a more focused approach and may require not just time within my sports massage room but also with my personal training studio. Sports masage can be passive where yoiu are in a relaxed possition but at times we might need you to be active while therapy techninques are used. 
I often talk about sports massage making something feel better which allows time to then work to make it better. Between massage appointments I might recommend you complete specific exercises. Although I will discuss these in detail, demonstarte them and provide you with a follow up email, I do like to see you complete them because I want you to get the most from any exercise/trainging I recommend and make sure technique and knowledge is key to this. Often we can feel rehab does not work but I do worry about how well do we do this and do we get the most from it. In some cases I might recommend having an additional appointment of either 30 or 60 minutes where we spend time building your training/execise/rehab plan. 
Being given a selection of exercies and then being left to work through these on your own at home or in the gym can provide positive outcomes but likewise I do talk with clients how this approach didnt work. It wasnt that the exercises provided were incorrect or that the person didnt follow the plan. For me the missing link was the structure of the plan. To see progresion/results/change we do need repeatabilty, we need to challenge the exercise and progress or adat at set points. Doing a few reps and sets might not be enough. 
Reps, sets, recovery, volume,inteistiy, time under tesnsion and technque are jsut a few key poins to a progressive plan. The other key area is having too many exrcises and this is not just within a rehab plan but also what we see as a training plan. My approach is to utilise less exericses so we get the most from them, as we progress exercises will progress. 
Pre and post event/challange/race sports massage appoinments I do recomend booking appoinments in advance so they can be completed at the time they need to be. 
Sports massage would be not only outlined within your training overview/plan at these key times but also would feature within your training as its important we learn about how you respond both mentally and physically to sports massage. 
Regular appointments can be booked in advance, some of my clients may have a massage weekly, fortnightly, monthly or every 6 weeks. These can be booked either in advance, at he time of the present massage or by messaging me closer to the time. 
Guidance and Information: 
I fully appreciate there may be questions or things you are unsure of so I have outlined some key points but if you do have any questions, uncertinties please do conatct me and I will do my best to answer these. 
For lower body sports massage I would recommend wearing shorts which can easily be rolled up so I can provide sports massage to the quads and hamstrings (Upper part of legs).  
For upper body when a bra is worn this would ideally fasten at the back. Skirts, trousers or shorts would be comfortable and allow me to work on your lower back.  
When I need you to move from front to back, back to front or onto your side a screen will be used to provide pivacy while you move and then a towel placed over you to cover any areas not being massaged. 
Jewellery such as watches, chains and large earings may need to be removed, when possible please leave these at home although there will be a safe place to leave them. 
Most appointments are based on 60 minutes, within this time we might need to discuss, assess, show execises and review. I can provide shorter appointments, these might be to provide a sports massgae to calves only or a shoulder and neck sports massage which may only require 30-45 minutes. 
Longer appoinmtnets can be booked, this might be for for a lower and upper sports masage where you would like me to take that extra on each area or to provide the sports massage and work through possible exercises.  
To discuss these options please let me know when contacting me.  
Arrive 5-10 minutes before our appoinmtnet time as this will give you thje oppurtunity to relax, freshen up and we can optimise your appoinmrnt. On arrival I might be working with a client within my personal training studio, on these occasions I will show you to the sports masage room where you can relax. 
The cost of a 60 minute sports massage appoinmment is £45 and a payment link will be sent either before or after your appointmet. Payment can also be made at the time of your appoinment. 
Appointments are available from 6.30am - 10pm Monday to Sunday 
Complete the form below and we will be in touch to arrange your appointment. 
Or you can Call, Text or WhatsApp: 07980 425 458 
(Please note, if I am with clients - please do leave a message and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience). 
It’s all about you: 
Before your massage, I will always carry out an initial consultation - this may only take a few minutes or it could take longer if we need to gather more information. It’s really important I understand the purpose of your visit so that I can make sure I provide the best possible service. 
Appointments are available from 6.30am Monday to Saturday with limited availability on Sundays 
At Your Appointment 
Those suffering from any viral infection are advised not to receive a Sports Massage. A Sports Massage will stimulate the circulation and lymphatic system and can cause the virus to spread in the body. 
What to wear 
Depending on the area of your body to be worked on, we ask clients to dress appropriately. For a more effective treatment we suggest wearing lightweight, flexible clothing such as loose shorts and a vest top or similar. For ladies receiving a back/shoulder massage, we would suggest wearing a standard bra and NOT a racer-back sports bra. A changing room is available within the treatment room. Please shower if you will have trained immediately before your massage - shower facilities are available on site. 
Creams & Oils 
Mark uses 2 different waxes generally. One is a liquid wax which is used for 80% of his massage techniques. The other is a sports massage wax which provides additonal grip and control when needed such as when using tool assited massage. If you have any allergies to creams or oils, please let us know on booking. If you prefer a certain cream or oil, please feel free to bring your own. Vegan products are available on request. 
Supporting the Giants at  
The Worlds Strongest Man Championships Manchester 2018 

Active Management and Rehab of Injuries: Working alongside your Pyhsio or Health Practisioner.